

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Citizen Journalism, in my opinion, is an attempt to move individual and alternate news reporting into the public sphere...Citizen Journalism allows the general population to report on events which may be typically propagandized or avoided by traditional media reporters. The rise of Citizen Journalism spreads different perspectives and ideas of variety of topics which may not have been revealed otherwise.


For example, if I were to report on my cat Tommy’s eating disorder in a blog, it may shed insight into a world of knowledge no one ever thought of before. This is an example of Citizen Journlism:


Tommy suffers from Bulimia, he will often binge eat when he is stressed. Tommy meows for food even when he knows that he is full and then purges himself afterwards because he feels guilty for eating so much. Perhaps the guilt has sprung from a new found empathy for all the tuna fish that have died to feed him…or maybe it is just related to his self-esteem issues after being bullied in the neighbourhood for several years.


This account of my cat’s eating disorder is a prime example of citizen journalism, it has given you an insight into the life of my cat- a life which you would not have known about without reading this blog.

Not only does Citizen Journalism shed light onto topics that are not typically covered by traditional media, it allows ANY person to be a journalist. Even me!

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