

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Everyone, in the back of their mind, wants to be a star… Thanks to applications such as MySpace, YouTube, Facebook and LiveJournal, everyone can be!


This article explores the many ways in which modern technology allows everyday people to self-promote and feel significant and admired in the world.  The article claims that we live in an era of ‘micro-celebrity’ an era where everyone can have a taste of what it is like to be celebrity. I believe this is true, using applications such as facebook and MySpace myself, I have found that I have an obsession with self promotion, always updating photos of myself and of friends, excited to find photo comments on photos of myself and friend requests from interested suitors!


‘Mirror, Mirror On the Web’ claims that we live in a media-saturated world that constantly tells us that we should be famous, with mantras such as ‘You’re special; love yourself; follow your dreams; you can be whatever you want to be’ woven into our minds.


With messages like these there is no reason why wanting to be famous or the act of self promotion is a negative social tool…in fact I believe it enhances our quality of life!

1 comment:

V said...

Funny thing you should say that, everyone, well those that crave attention and the 15 minutes or should i say 15 seconds of fame will go to any extent to get into the public eye.

A friend of mine dated this person that decided to make all these "false accusations" against the family and gave the story to a newspaper that printed an article on page 6 of the Daily Telegraph and included a photo of both the supposed 'victim' and the accused.

It amazing to what extent this psycho path craved the public eye and thinks that by doing this the person will gain some sort of power and control.